What’s it like at the shelter?
Both of our shelters are like homes. You’ll share a bedroom with another client and be required to participate in all activities throughout the day including chores and counseling. Friendly staff are there for you, every step of the way, as you work through the stuff that’s bugging you.
Once I’m there, do I have to stay?
No. Our program is completely voluntary. No lock down. No force. If you want to leave, you’re free to do so. However, we strongly encourage you to give our program a chance and if you choose to leave, we have to call your parents or guardians and let them know.
Will you tell my parents everything I share with you?
While we encourage you to be honest with your parents about what you’re going through, what you discuss with a therapist is completely confidential. However, the law does require us to report certain things like abuse or intentions you might have to hurt yourself or others.
Can I bring my own clothes?
While you’re at SafeHouse, you’ll be required to wear clothes (usually sweats and t-shirts) that we provide. We know this may be a bummer but it eliminates the need for a dress code and makes sure everyone is dressed appropriately.
We’re here for teens in crisis, every hour of every day.